Monday, December 10, 2012

Galas and Glorias

Yesterday, Christopher and I attended the annual Givers Gala, hosted by Primerica Financial Services office in Lancaster. As always, it was a grand night featuring delicious food, great company, silent and live auction fun, and of course, the featured charity, Girls On The Run. I fell in love with the mission of GOTR immediately. Their mission and outreach is fantastic. Hopefully they will extend into the Harrisburg/Mechanicsburg sometimes soon, because it is definitely an organization that I would enjoying being more involved in!! Check out more about them on their website.
Although I focused on enjoying our time together instead of photographing the event, we did manage to leave with a half decent picture of us together. :) 

On our way out the door, I noticed this small, white church off to the side of the resort where we had dinner, and decided to snap a few shots.
A large nativity scene graced the front lawn, beautifully highlighting the Christmas story in all its Gloria. 

The church itself was very picturesque. 
Then I got carried away with the angles of the steeple....

Beautiful, isn't it?

What a Gloria-ous Gala it was. :)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Frugal Christmas Decorating

The Christmas season 'tis upon us! I LOOOOOOVVEE Christmas time. The merriness, the caroling, the festive decorating, the food, the secret whispers of gift planning and Christmas morning surprises, the giggle and smiles and well wishes. Oh how I adore the JOY of these days.

While I have not, and am not sure that I can, give up on the consumer part of the holiday (who doesn't love shopping the holiday deals?!), I have made it a point to spend some time on DIY decorating and recycling old pieces into new creations. Have a real tree for the first time (as an adult in my own place) and has provided me with a substantial pile of evergreen branches sitting on the side of our garage, which in turn has been a source of creatvity for incorporating evergreen into other decorating.

The photo on the left is a door swag, made using a few of the smaller trimmed branches from our tree and incorporating wired bulbs from a centerpiece that I received as a hostess gift last year and  a bow from a previous years' wreath. Cost: $0.  The photo on the right is a similar but more simple swag which I hung above our garage door. Cost: $0. Now that is my kind of decorating cost. ;-) 

This is an evergreen bouquet composed of cuttings from my pile of branches, and again I incorporated wired pinecones from an old centerpiece. Cost: $0

Lastly, a few springs of evergreen added to a small bouquet of white carnations in a glass vase full of cranberries makes a simple yet stunning centerpiece. Cost: $7.50
What are some creative ways that you have decorated this season?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

{Scarf Swap}

Through the busy-ness of photo shoots, work retreats, the Thanksgiving holiday and Christmas shopping I decided to participate in a scarf swap hosted by the lovely Karen Davis! She is an A-MAZING crafter, homemaker, blogger and person. She and I ended up being partners for the swap and she treated me to a PERFECT package of surprises! I LOVE getting mail, even when I am expecting it. The excitement of the mystery within the box....its like Christmas! =)

All the way from South Korea...

How cute are these packages?!?!?!? LOVE her style.

Sweet Karen sent not one, but TWO beautiful pieces of "neck candy"!!!

 I LOVE them both!

My FAVORITE hot drink in an ADORABLE mug!!! =)

All my goodies...

I think that I had to have had the BEST scarf swap partner!! Feeling so blessed. Thanks Karen!
Want to see Karen's scarf swap "neck candy" and goodies? Visit her scarf swap blog post!
Soooo glad I decided to join in on the scarf swap fun!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Family Photo Shoot {Jason&Christa&Branden&Ava}

Today was my first PAID photo session! My subjects? My friend Christa and her beautiful family. What a fun shoot! Little Miss Ava has quite a rambunctious personality, and it shows in every picture.  Big personalities are even more fun when you add the terrible twos! :)

Meet Ava.

And Ava's big brother, Branden.

Christa and I talked about different poses and shots that she wanted for several weeks...I think we ended up with some great ones! :) 

Here is Christa with her man, Jason.



This next one was one of my favorite from the shoot...such a great illustration of the way the two year old has everyone else in the house wrap around her finger!
What a beautiful family!! I had such a great time shooting these!

Wanna see the rest of the shoot?  Visit my facebook page here. Thank you Christa and Jason for allowing me to do these family photos for you! 

Do you live in the Mechanicsburg, PA area? Interested in having photos done? Contact me at


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Sandy" and Cranberry Relish

The infamous Hurricane Sandy passed through our grand state of Pennsylvania yesterday, leaving 400+ closed bridges and roads, 1.3 million residents without electricity, and a plethora of fallen trees, limbs, and leaves in her wake. The hubs and I are fortunate enough to have very little aftermath to deal with. A small but steady leak in the roof has caused some ceiling tile issues in our upstairs bathroom, but no much more. We did, however, both happen to have off work yesterday and today, which was a pleasant surprise!

Our free time included sleeping in (which I for one NEVER do) and spending some rare quality time together, as well as catching up housework, playing music (or, if you are my husband, playing PlayStation), sewing, rearranging my living room, and of course COOKING. 

I LOVE to cook, especially when I have endless amounts of time to do so! Waffles, fresh bread, stew, and apple crisp were a few highlights of the past two days (all made from scratch of course). I also made one of my all-time favorite dishes...something that can only be made in certain seasons because the main ingredient is only available for part of the grandmother's Cranberry Relish! A delicious and very healthy dish, Cranberry Relish is simple, yet unique, with a nice mix of sweet and tart flavors. 

To make it you will need a food grinder.  My parents use an old meat grinder that they attach to their counter and grind by hand.  I prefer my kitchen aid attachment food grinder. =)

Cranberry Relish
6 whole apples (red delicious work well)
2 whole oranges
1 can pineapple slices
1 bag fresh cranberries

Wash all of the fresh fruit, then slice the apples and oranges.  Drain the juice from the can of pineapple slices. 


Set up your grinder and turn it on. Begin to feed the fruit through the grinder, rotating among the different fruits for a nice mix of flavors. 

When you have ground all of the fruit, mix the relish to ensure an even flavor. *Optional: If you find this mixture to be too tart for your palate, add 1/2 to 1 cup of sugar, to taste.* 

Refrigerate before serving and to store.  This will stay good in your refrigerator for at least 3-4 days.  I often eat a batch over the course of a work week. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beautiful Custom Greeting Cards, and much more!

I just just ordered a set of BEAUTIFUL thank you cards from Shutterfly!  I used photos from our recent honeymoon in Mexico.  See??!?!??!?

3x5 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Go to to create your customized cards!  They have great templates for every occasion, which you can personalize with your own photos and messages.  Cards are not even close to the limit of what you can create on their website.  And they always have great sales and offers, so make your way over there and create an account!  Trust me, you will be glad you did. :-)


<3 Lacey

**Disclaimer: Shutterfly has not contracted me to market or advertise for them.  The opinions in this post are the authors personal opinions, and have not been solicited by any outside party**

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Heart's Desire

Have you ever had a desire that stirs your soul?  A hunger, a longing that you can't stop thinking about?  A calling, a passion, a LOVE..........something that is to the core of your being and that you just can't get enough of?  

For me recently, that has been my feeling for God.  No matter how busy I am with my job, my household chores, planning my wedding... my desire for more time in the presence of my Savior never goes away.  And when I am in those moments of focused attention on  Jesus, on His Word, on His voice, I never want to leave.  It can be 11 pm after a long, hard day, and when I get into those moments, HOURS can pass like a second.  And even though I am tired, I am so refreshed and re-energized! 

The lyrics of this beautiful song mirror the cry of my heart, the longing of my soul, my desire for my life...

In humble adoration, I kneel before Your throne, In brokenness I seek Your face alone, Above You there's no other, Who's able to restore my soul, Come and make me whole
Breathe on me, Power of God come in and change me, You are all I need, Holy Spirit breathe on me
I'm ready to surrender, To give You all my life, No matter what the cost or sacrifice, Reveal to me Your calling, Cleanse me from my prideful ways, Use me now I pray
Breathe on me, Power of God come in and change me, You are all I need, Holy Spirit breathe on me
I will say of the Lord, He is my strong tower, My rock and my fortress in whom I trust, In times of the storm and in tribulation, He is my help and my salvation
Oh breath of God, Restore my soul

{Breathe on Me by Natalie Grant}

Everyday I seek to be used by God, and everyday I am shown ways, small or large, to be in impact for Him on those around me.  Everyday that I ask for opportunities, I receive them, everytime I ask for open doors, they open, every second that I spend seeking more of God and more of his will in my life, the more of it I get.  Things don't always go the way that I planned, but they do ALWAYS go the He plans.  And when my desires are in line with his, its AMAZING!!!  Praying scripture, belief in His promises (remembering that every promise of God is conditional on at least two things: faith and obedience) asking for wisdom, seeking his will, daily submitting EVERYTHING to Him....there is NO BETTER WAY.  I tried living MY WAY.  I practiced my FREE WILL.  All it brought was pain, regret, and unhappiness.  Every second of living for myself was a WASTE OF TIME, such precious time.

Are you frustrated/hurting/unhappy?  Do you feel like there has to be more to life than the daily grind of your job and daily routine at home?  Let me ask you something.  When is the last time that you spent more than 5 minutes on your knees?  Can you truly say that you SPEND TIME with God?  Like any RELATIONSHIP, knowing God requires TIME and ATTENTION!  You have to TALK TO HIM.  You have to GIVE to Him (resources, like time and money, but also love, respect, adoration, and praise!), and to EXPECT from Him in return. Have faith that He will do for you when you do for Him.  Do you LISTEN to God? Or do you do all the talking? Do you spend more time ASKING FROM Him than SUBMITTING TO him?  Ask yourself these HARD QUESTIONS, and be HONEST in your answers to yourself.

Do you admit you are wrong, or do you TRULY REPENT?  There is a difference!  Are you truly giving up your sinful ways?  Is your heart right, or are you knowingly sinning, but refusing to truly give it to God? (Psalm 51)

Are you struggling financially?  Let me ask you this.  Are you GIVING faithfully to God (tithing at LEAST 10% off the top of your income-Deuteromony 29:12-15; Matthew 23:23)?  Because if you are TRULY TRUSTING GOD with your finances, you will NEVER HAVE TO WORRY about having enough.  In fact, God instructs us to give up everything that we have (Luke 14:33), and He PROMISES TO PROVIDE FOR OUR NEEDS (Matthew 6:26).  He repeats over and over again throughout the book of Proverbs that the RIGHTEOUS will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN, NEVER BE LEFT WANTING.  He even INSTRUCTS us to TEST HIM in our giving (Malachi 3:10), promising to bless us for our faithfulness.

When you pray, do you always pray for your safety and well being?  Would you be ABLE AND WILLING to pray like this instead? 

"God, whatever your plan is, whatever your will is, that is WHAT I WANT (Matthew 6:10).  Even if it means enduring pain and loss.  Even if it means constant discomfort.  Even if it means poverty, abandoment from the world, and mocking for my faith (2 Corinthians 1:3-6).  I am ready for ANYTHING life brings, because I am living to store up treasures in eternity (Matthew 6:19-21)!  I know that this LIFE IS TEMPORARY, but that my choices in it will ring for ETERNITY.  I want to choose the only true way to HAPPINESS.  The only true example of LOVE.  The only UNCONDITIONAL FRIEND.  Everything I have gained in this world is truly a loss in eternity (Philippians 3:7-8).

I want to SEE THE WORLD THROUGH YOUR EYES, Jesus.   I want to love EVERYONE (Matthew 22:39).  Not just the poor and needy, but the wealthy and the prideful.  I want to focus on WORSHIPING YOU, in EVERYHING I DO.  I WANT TO LIVE EVERY SECOND WITH A STARTLING AWARENESS OF YOUR PRESENCE, and to LIVE AS IF YOU WERE WALKING BESIDE ME IN PERSON EVERY SECOND.  I want MORE OF YOU."

Would that prayer be hard for you to pray?  Or is it your HEART'S CRY?  Don't misunderstand, I believe in ASKING GOD for healing and for safety.  He has given us His authority (Matthew 10:8), and has instructed us to ASK (Matthew 7:7-8).  But it is important to remember that HIS PLAN IS BIGGER AND BETTER THAN OURS!  So when we ask, we should do so believing that God has told us to do so, but trusting that WHATEVER HAPPENS IS FOR OUR BEST (Isaiah 45:11; Jeremiah 29:11).

This is my heart's cry.  To KNOW GOD to the fullest extent that any human being can.  To live EVERY SECOND for Him, KEENLY AWARE OF HIS PRESENCE.  To show love to EVERYONE, strangers and friends, loved ones and enemies, rich and poor, strong and weak, fellow believers and lost souls.  To be a CONDUIT, to be a MEANS...I want to be USED.  I want Lacey to be less, and JESUS to be MORE!  I want to be anointed by God, I want the Holy Spirit POURED INTO ME.  I pray that God would have unexpected and uncontrollable circumstances come into my life, so that HE has more opportunities to reign in me!

Do you know God's definition of BLESSED?  Read the beatitudes in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12).  Blessed are those who MOURN, those who are MEEK, those who strive after RIGHTEOUSNESS, those who are PERSECUTED.  I want to be blessed, not by having material things or comforts in life, not by having less pain in life than others.  I want to be BLESSED in God's definition.  I want to strive after righteousness, and be joyful in trials and tribulations.  I want to practice humility (meekness) and mercy.  I want to be a peacemaker.  In persecution and pain I will rejoice, knowing that God is calling me BLESSED! 

Does this sound RADICAL to you?  It should!  Does it sound crazy?  It IS.  Its CRAZY LOVE FOR GOD, and it is soooooooo much better than any thing else in life!    

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Giveaway to Check Out!

One of my favorite things about the world of blogging that I have so recently become acquainted with is all the giveaways that bloggers do!  Ashley from After Nine To Five is doing an awesome, winner-takes-all, 35 prize give away in honor of her birthday!  Want to get in on the action?  Visit her blog here.

Good luck!  ;-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Story of Christmas...

In my usual fashion, I have spent much time reading other blog's, and ignoring the fact that its been two months since I posted anything.  However, I have learned SO much about blogging from reading other blogs.  A few of the big things that I have realized the need to focus on in my posts are more pictures (and better quality- can't wait to get the DSL camera I have been wanting for FOREVER!), a little less writing, and sticking to one topic per post.  So, here is a little over view of a few things from Christmas. 

For those of you out there who are avid DIYers, I found a very creative idea for a festive centerpiece bouquet from Martha Stewart.  Its very simple, and easily made by even the newest DIY convert, yet so pretty!  

Her directions said only to use the white flowers, but I added the green thinking it would be more Christmas-y.  In retrospect, I think that I would have liked the all-white look better, but it still turned out nicely. Don't you think?  (Yes, yes, I know, I needed to iron my table cloths.) 

And it's not Christmas with out Christmas cookies, right?  My friend Jess and I have made it an annual thing to get together and bake 4-6 different types of cookies in one night.  It was a blast and they were DELICIOUS!

Peanut Butter blossoms on the left, chocolate cake cookies in the bottom center, my grandma's gingersnaps (my favorite) on the bottom right, and good ol' chocolate chip on the top center and top right.  Mmmmmmm....

Merry Belated Christmas everybody! :-)