Yesterday, Christopher and I attended the annual Givers Gala, hosted by Primerica Financial Services office in Lancaster. As always, it was a grand night featuring delicious food, great company, silent and live auction fun, and of course, the featured charity, Girls On The Run. I fell in love with the mission of GOTR immediately. Their mission and outreach is fantastic. Hopefully they will extend into the Harrisburg/Mechanicsburg sometimes soon, because it is definitely an organization that I would enjoying being more involved in!! Check out more about them on their website.
Although I focused on enjoying our time together instead of photographing the event, we did manage to leave with a half decent picture of us together. :)
On our way out the door, I noticed this small, white church off to the side of the resort where we had dinner, and decided to snap a few shots.
A large nativity scene graced the front lawn, beautifully highlighting the Christmas story in all its Gloria.
The church itself was very picturesque.
Then I got carried away with the angles of the steeple....
Beautiful, isn't it?
What a Gloria-ous Gala it was. :)